Refusing to be
Oppressed due to
Sexual Orientation
Secret Societies
Organized Crime or
of any kind
P.R.O.G.R.E.S.S.I.O.N. was founded in 2019. This was approximately four years after I became aware through personal experience of numerous ongoing human rights violations and atrocities. These atrocities mimic those from what was once a bygone era. However, unfortunately these atrocities are now being propelled by extremists, some of whom are current government employees, innovations in technology, and the resurfacing of old, unethical, and inhumane government programs.
I credit the strength that I have to fight these human rights violations and atrocities to my amazing childhood which included two wonderful parents. Both, especially my mother, gave me the self-esteem and courage to stand up to ignorance and evil. However, I do not stand alone, I stand with our amazing team and anyone who has been or is being oppressed. We refuse to accept this!
Debra J. Brent
Human Rights Activist