Sadly, too many targeted individuals have made the mistake of telling the wrong person(s) about the horrific nonstop harassment they are experiencing. It is only natural to do so. It is also natural to expect that family, friends, and professionals would believe your account. Making this assumption is very dangerous. Many targets have been misdiagnosed as suffering from paranoid schizophrenia. Some have even ended up being involuntarily placed in psychiatric hospitals. At a minimum family and friends can become distant. Sadly, this is a big part of what the perpetrators of this crime want — to discredit you. Once that happens proving the horrific crime that you are experiencing becomes considerably more difficult than the already difficult challenge you face.
Regardless, do seek professional psychiatric help if you are feeling especially despondent. However, try your best to limit the scope of your discussion to ”easy for most to understand“ problems (e.g., financial issues, harassment involving no more than a few individuals). Avoid discussing “group harassment by unknown individuals” with most family, friends, and especially law enforcement and psychology professionals. To be safe only speak about the details of your harassment to individuals and/or organizations that recognize this crime.