Do your very best to maintain a good relationship with your family and friends. Avoid arguments associated with Gang stalking/The Program harassment issues. This is best done by avoiding the subject as much as possible. One of the primary initial goals of Gang stalking/The Program is to distance you from your family and friends. By doing so, you are cut off from vital support. This support can come in the form of protection, emotional support, and/or financial assistance. In addition, family and friends serve as witnesses. As such, their presence serves to discourage these acts of harassment.
If you have lost trust in any family members and/or friends keep a close eye on them yet still maintain some level of contact and at least a cordial relationship. It may be that your family members and/or friends are struggling to comprehend the scope and complexity of Gang stalking/The Program. If this is the case, you still may be able to rely on them for some form of assistance in desperate times.